- Sustainability TOP
- Construction of a sustainable supply chain
Construction of a sustainable supply chain
Environmental Policy
- OGAWA will strive to reduce environmental burden by promoting efficient production, improving production technology, conserving resources and energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing wastes, and promoting recycling and reusing.
- OGAWA will monitor and comply strictly with relevant environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements.
- OGAWA will enforce chemical substance management to prevent global environmental pollution.
- OGAWA will continually improve the environmental management system through the promotion of environmental improvement activities.
- OGAWA will undertake to raise employee awareness of global environmental issues.
- OGAWA will contribute to the improvement of “made-in-Japan brand” agricultural, forestry, and fishery products as well as to the invigoration of agriculture and regional renewal through research and fragrance development.
Established August 18, 2020
Environment Management System
We have created an environment management system for which the president has ultimate responsibility. And by also assigning the energy management supervisor and concurrent environment management supervisor to that system, we are able to manage the environment and energy at all company sites.