- Sales
- R&D
- Production
PT. Ogawa Indonesia
- Address
- Kawasan Industri KIIC Lot. A-8A Toll Jakarta Cikampek Km. 47 Teluk Jambe Karawang , 41361 Jawa Barat Indonesia Access Map
- 62-21-890-4218

(Integrated Management System)
P.T. Ogawa Indonesia is a company engaged in development and production of Flavor, Fragrance and Extract, in its activities will always commit to implements:
1. P.T. Ogawa Indonesia will provide the best quality products and services, to ensure customer satisfaction and food safety appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization, setting and reviewing objective and supports company strategic direction with satisfy applicable requirements including statutory and regulatory requirements and mutually agreed customer requirements, by internal and external communication, fulfillment of competencies and continual improvement of the management systems and committed to guarantee the halal products that have been certified or approved by the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) by:
• Ensure that all materials used in the manufacture of our products have been approved by LPPOM MUI.
• Ensure the production system is clean and free from impure and non halal material.
2. P.T. Ogawa Indonesia committed to ensure management safety and health system in order to :
• Comply with applicable regulations and other requirements (Compliance Obligation);
• Provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent accidents and occupational diseases based on the objectives, size, organization context and specific characteristics from risks and opportunities occupational safety and health;
• Elimination of hazard and reduce the risks through consultation and participation of workers and workers' representatives;
• Continuous improvement of management systems
3. P.T. Ogawa Indonesia committed to ensure environment protection through prevent environmental pollution and compliance with applicable regulations and other requirement (Compliance Obligation) and through continuous improvement of management system. (E)
As a business entity, we have corporate social responsibility by making every effort to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and striving to demonstrate good social judgment by behaving as follows:
1. Commitment to """"Safety"""" to create a safe and healthy workplace and work environment.
2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations; including respecting the
basic rights of each individual; anti-corruption; anti bribery; antitrust and competition law and trade laws and other relevant regulations.
3. Responsible for compliance with all company regulations.
4. We respect human rights and we will not tolerate human rights
violations, especially:
A. Do not engage in business that violates human dignity
B. Do not discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin
C. Do not tolerate all forms of harassment, human trafficking and all forms of coercion
D. Not related to people who are involved in all forms of violations against humans
E. We will accept diversity and diversity within the company and surrounding communities and encourage the development progress of surrounding communities
5. In carrying out its activities, we act with integrity, honesty and
transparency, and protect and build trust among all stakeholders.
6. We will create high quality products and the best service to get customer
satisfaction and trust in a timely manner.
Violations of the above code of conduct can be reported through the company's hotline service number 0811-1622-298 or email to callcenter@ogawa-ogi.net and we guarantee individual confidentiality